Yan Zhang is an associate professor in OB&HR in the Department of Psychology. She earned her Ph.D. in management at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. She was a visiting scholar at Arizona State University in 2005-2006. Her research interests include leadership, team dynamics, employee-organization relationship, and cross cultural studies.
List of Publications
Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Law, K., Zhou, J. 2022. Paradoxical Leadership, Subjective Ambivalence, and Employee Creativity: Effects of Employee Holistic Thinking. Journal of Management Studies, 59, 695-723.
Zhang, M., Zhang, Y., & Law, K. S. 2021. Paradoxical Leadership and Innovation in Work Teams: The Multilevel Mediating Role of Ambidexterity and Leader Vision as a Boundary Condition. Academy of Management Journal. In press.
Zhang, Y., & Liu, S-M. 2022. Balancing employee extrinsic requirements and intrinsic motivation: A paradoxical leader behavior perspective. European Management Journal, 40, 127-136.
Zhang, Y., & Han, Y-L. 2019. Paradoxical leader behavior in long-term corporate development: Antecedents and consequences. Accepted by Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process.155, 42-54.
Zhang, Y., Xie, Y-H. 2017. Authoritarian leadership and extra-role behaviors: A role-perception perspective. Accepted by Management and Organization Review, 13, 147-166.
Zhang, Y., Huai, M-Y. 2016. Diverse workgroups and employee performance: The role of communication ties. Small Group Research, 47(1), 28-57.
Zhang, Y. 2016. Functional Diversity and Group Creativity: The Role of Group Longevity. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 41, 373-398.
Zhang, Y., Waldman, D., Han, Y. L., Li, X. B. 2015. Paradoxical leader behavior in people management: Antecedents and consequences. Academy of Management Journal, 58, 538-566.
Zhang, Y., Huai, M., Xie, Y. H. 2015. Paternalistic leadership and employee voice in China: A dual process model. The Leadership Quarterly, 26, 25-36. (NSFC: 71372022,71032001,91224008).
Zhang, Y., Tsui, A. S., Song, L. 2014. Employee Responses to Employment-Relationship Practices: The Role of Psychological Empowerment and Employee Traditionality. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 809-830 (NSFC: 71271005, 71202147, IM = 3.63).
Chen, C. C., Zhang, Y., Wang, H. 2014. Enhancing the Effects of Power Sharing on Psychological Empowerment: The Roles of Management Control and Power Distance Orientation. Management and Organization Review. 10(1): 135-156. (71372022).
Zhang*, Y., Chen, C. C. 2013. Developmental Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Mediating Effects of Self-Determination, Supervisor Identification, and Organizational Identification. The Leadership Quarterly, 24, 534-543. (NSFC: 71032001)
Zhang*, Y., Tsui, A. S. 2013. Intragroup functional diversity and intergroup relations in American and Chinese workgroups. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology. 44, 7, 1127 - 1147.
Zhang*, Y., Hou, L. W. 2012. The romance of working together: The role of gender diversity in China. Human Relations. 65(11): 1487-1508. (NSFC: 70802001)
Zhang, Y., & Chiu*, C. Y. 2012. Goal commitment and alignment of personal goals predict group identification only when the goals are shared. Group Process and Intergroup Relations. 15(3), 425-537. (NSFC: 70802001; Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China: 200800011010)
Zhang*, Y., Tsui, A., & Wang, D.X. 2011. Leadership behaviors and group creativity in Chinese organizations: The role of group processes. The Leadership Quarterly, 22, 851-862. (NSFC: 70802001, 71032001)
Zhang*, Y., Farh, J. L., & Wang, H. 2012. Organizational antecedents of employee perceived organizational support in China: A grounded investigation. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23, 422-446.
Leung, K., Brew, F., Zhang, Z. X., & Zhang, Y. 2011. Harmony and Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Investigation in China and Australia. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 42, 795-816.
Hom, P. W., Tsui, A., S., Wu, J. B., Lee, T., Zhang, Y., Fu, P. P., Li., L. 2009. Explaining employment relationship with social exchange and job embeddedness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(2), 277-297.
Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Y. Wang, M. 2011. Cultural Norms, Interpersonal Consensus/Disconsensus, and Behavioral Decisions. In Leung, K.-y, Chiu, C.-y., and Hong, Y.-y., Cultural process: A social psychological perspectives. Cambrige University Press,198-216.
Zhang, Y., Tsui, A. T., Song*, J., Li, C., & Jia, L. 2008. How do I trust thee? The employee-organization relationship, supervisory support and middle managers' trust in the organization. Human Resource Management, 47: 111-132.
Zhang, Y., Han, Y. 2017. Paradoxical leader behavior in corporate sustainability management: Antecedents and consequences. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Atlanta.
Zhang, Y., Han, Y. L., Li, X. B. 2012. How do leaders cope with the paradoxical situations? The development of paradoxical leadership. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston.
Hou, L. W., & Zhang, Y. How does the network structure influence work group knowledge sharing? International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference. 2012. Hongkong.
Zhao, X., Wang, L., & Zhang, Y. How does organizational justice influence employee work behavior? The role of psychological safety. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference. 2012. Hongkong.
Zhang, Z., Liu, S. S., Zhang, Y. The influence of gender diversity on group performance and creativity: the moderating effects of group tenure. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, 2010. Shanghai.
Liu, S. S., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y. The relationship between HRM practices of employee training and career development and employee organizational commitment----the moderating role of organizational justice. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, 2010. Shanghai.
Huai, M. Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, S. S., Zhang, Z., Wang, L. More Explorations of Impact of Personal Values at Work. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, 2010. Shanghai.
Zhang, Y. The asymmetrical curvilinear relationship of workgroup functional diversity and inter-group relations in Chinese and U.S. organizations. Academy of Management Conference , 2009. Chicago.
Zhang, Y. When Does Relational Diversity Influence a Group’s Task Creativity? The Moderating Role of Group Processes. Academy of Management Conference , 2009. Chicago.
Zhang, Y., Tsui, A. S. Leadership behaviors and team creativity: The role of knowledge sharing among team members in Chinese organizations. Academy of Management Conference , 2008. Anaheim.
Zhang, Y., Chen, C. C., Wang, H. How does individualized consideration foster OCB? A comparison of three psychological mechanisms. Academy of Management Conference , 2008. Anaheim.
Zhang, Y., Chen, C. C., Wang, H. Bounded empowerment: Main and joint effects of supervisory power sharing and management control. Academy of Management Conference , 2007. Philadelphia.
Zhang, Y., Farh, J. L., Wang, H. Organizational antecedents of employee perceived organizational support in China: A grounded investigation. Academy of Management Conference , 2006. Atlanta.
Tsui, A. S., Zhang, Y., Charles, A. Retaining Chinese middle managers: The motivational potential of the Employee-Organization Relationship. Academy of Management Conference, 2006. Atlanta.
Zhang, Y., Wang, H., Farh, J. L. The effect of perceived organizational support on the relationship between human resource management practices and employee performance. International Association for Chinese Management Research, 2006.