1. 眼球运动追踪(Eye-tracking)——对文本阅读中的眼动控制进行记录,除常规记录外,还采用更先进的“边界范式”进行精确的信息控制。后者的特点是计算机会根据被试加工信息的状况,及时改变呈现在屏幕上的刺激。该技术能较好地模拟自然状态的阅读过程;
2. 事件相关电位(ERP)——在头皮表面记录被试对呈现刺激的脑电活动反应,该技术有较高的时间分辨率,较好地反映语言加工过程的时间进程;
3. 功能核磁共振成像(fMRI)——记录被试在刺激呈现时大脑血氧水平的变化,该技术有较高的空间分辨率,能较精确地定位语言活动脑区。
4)&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;语义焦点与语义辖域(semantic scope)的加工
Luo, Y. & Zhou, X. (submitted). ERP evidence for the online processing of rhythmic pattern during Chinese sentence reading.
Yan, M., Kliegl, R., Shu, H., Pan, J., & Zhou, X. (submitted). Parafoveal load of word n+1 modulates preprocessing of word n+2.
Zhou, X., & Marslen-Wilson, W. D. (in press). Pseudohomophone effects in processing Chinese compound words. Language and Cognitive Processes.
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Jiang, X., Tan, Y., & Zhou, X. (2009). Processing the universal quantifier during sentence comprehension: ERP evidence. Neuropsychologia.
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Meng, X., Tian, X., Shu, H., Jian, J., & Zhou, X. (2008). ERP correlates of the development of orthographical and phonological processing during Chinese sentence reading. Brain Research, 1219, 91-102.
Ye, Z., Zhan, W., & Zhou, X. (2007). The semantic processing of syntactic structure in sentence comprehension: An ERP study. Brain Research, 1142, 135-145.
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Zhou, X. (2002). Processing Chinese Words and Characters. In Stiftung Lesen (Ed.), Gutenbergs Folgen (pp. 215- 237). Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgeellschaft.
Zhou, X. & Marslen-Wilson, W. (2000). The relative time course of semantic and phonological activation in reading Chinese. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26,1245-1265.
Zhou, X. & Marslen-Wilson, W. (2000). Lexical representation of compound words: Cross-linguistic evidence. Psychologia, 43, 47-66.
Zhou, X., & Marslen-Wilson, W. (1999). The nature of sublexical processing in reading Chinese characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 25, 819-837.
Zhou, X., & Marslen-Wilson, W. (1999). Phonology, orthography, and lexical semantic activation in reading Chinese. Journal of Memory and Language, 41, 579-606.
Zhou, X., Marslen-Wilson, W., Taft, M., & Shu, H. (1999). Morphology, orthography, and phonology in reading Chinese. Language and Cognitive Processes, 14, 525-565.
Marslen-Wilson, W., & Zhou, X. (1999). Abstractness, allomorphy, and lexical architecture. Language and Cognitive Processes, 14, 321-352.
Wu, N., Shu, H., & Zhou, X. (1999). The nature and development of sublexical processing in reading Chinese. Language and Cognitive Processes, 14, 503-524.
Chen H.-C. & Zhou, X. (1999). Processing East Asian Languages. Special issue of Language and Cognitive Processes, Psychological Press.
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Zhou, X., Ostrin, R. K., & Tyler, L. K., (1993). The noun-verb problem and Chinese aphasia: Comments on Bates et al. (1991). Brian and Language, 45, 86-93.