Speaker: Qi Chen, Ph.D Professor, South China Normal University
Time: 2018-01-22 10:00 - 11:30
Venue: Room 1113, Wang Kezhen Building
Abstract: Impaired object naming is a core deficit in post-stroke aphasia, which can manifest as errors of commission – producing an incorrect word or a nonword – or as errors of omission – failing to attempt to name the object. Detailed behavioral, computational, and neurological investigations of errors of commission have played a key role in development of neurocognitive models of word production. In contrast, the neurocognitive basis of omission errors is radically underspecified despite being a prevalent phenomenon in aphasia and other populations. The prevalence of omission errors makes their neurocognitive basis important for characterizing an individual’s deficits and, ideally, for personalizing treatment and evaluating treatment outcomes. The present study leveraged established relationships between lesion location and errors of commission to investigate omission errors in picture naming. Omission error rates from the Picture Naming Test for 123 individuals with post-stroke aphasia were analyzed using support vector regression lesion-symptom mapping. Omission errors were most strongly associated with left frontal and mid-anterior temporal lobe lesions. Computational model analysis further showed that omission errors were positively associated with impaired semantically-driven lexical retrieval rather than phonological retrieval. These results suggest that errors of omission in aphasia predominantly arise from lexical-semantic deficits in word retrieval and selection from a competitor set.
Host: Prof. Fang
报告人介绍:陈琦,教授、博士生导师,比利时根特大学心理学博士。2016年入选首批广东省青年珠江学者,2017年入选“广东特支计划”百千万工程青年拔尖人才项目。长期致力于建立语言和数学认知的计算模型。近五年主持和参与国家自然科学(社会科学)基金项目4项和2项省部级项目。目前已Psychological Review,Nature Communications和Cognitive Psychology 等学术期刊发表多篇研究论文。成果获广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖。