姓  名:
职  称:
(010) 62761169
北京大学哲学楼 100871


学士 北京师范大学心理学系 1995 年

硕士 北京师范大学发展心理研究所 1998 年

博士 北京师范大学发展心理研究所 2001 年


宝洁奖教金(2005、2024 )

曾宪梓奖教金(2016 )

北京大学 2004-2005 学年优秀班主任二等奖

儿童情绪调节发展;儿童同伴关系发展;儿童早期气质 、 父母教养方式及其社会适应;儿童及青少年问题行为的影响因素


2018.01.01-2021.12.31从行为抑制到社会性退缩:迷走神经调节及亲子互动同步性的作用,国家自然科学基金项目 31771230,主持

2018.01-2020.12 儿童视力自动评估系统的研发与初步应用, 首都卫生发展科研专项项目,参加

2017.01-2020.12 The fowling-up Study on benefit of breastfeeding on child mental health and bonding, 联合国儿童发展基金会,主持

2017.09.01-2022.8.31 基于应用场景的气质特征与交互模式分析,国家重点研发计划项目,多模态时空信息深度融合的意图理解子课题,2017YFB1002805,参与



2012.8-2015.8,Inhibition, Social Relationships, and Early Adulthood Outcomes in China and Canada,美国NSF

2007-2013,Timing, Duration, and Severity of Iron Deficiency: Developmental Impacts,美国NIH资助,参加

2014-2015 农村学前教育教师培训基线调研, 教育部-联合国儿童基金会联合项目,参加


Emotion Regulation as a Complex System (The National Science Foundation, Co-PI)

Social Functioning, Peer Relationships and Psychological Adjustment ( 国际合作项目,与 University of Western Ontario 合作 )

Generativity, Social Responsibility and the Family in Two Cultures (Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada , Co-Investigator)


Zhang, C.#, Lu, J.#, Gao, G., Cui, J., Li, M., Zang, Y., Yang, J.*, & Wang, L*. (2024). Anxiety is related to slower RSA oscillation during stress response and regulation. Psychophysiology, 61(11), e14654.

Lan Q, Zhang C, Lunkenheimer E, Chang S, Li Z.*, Wang L.* (2024). Maternal postnatal depressive symptoms and children’s internalizing problems: The moderating role of mother–infant RSA synchrony. Development and Psychopathology, 36(4), 1776-1788.

Li, M., Xu, T., Li, M., Qiu, L., He, F., Lan, Q., Zhang, L., & Wang, L.* (2024). Negative family expressiveness and adolescents' externalizing problems: Respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a moderator and anger regulation as a mediator. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 42(4), 546-565.

Li, M., He, F., Lan, Q., Zhang, C., Zang, Y.*, & Wang, L.* (2024). The longitudinal association between COVID-19 stressors and adolescents' diurnal cortisol: The mediating effects of parental anxiety and behaviours. Infant and Child Development, e2541.

Ip, K. I.*,  Miller, A. L.,  Wang, L.,  Felt, B.,  Olson, S. L., &  Tardif, T. (2024).  Emotion regulation as a complex system: A multi-contextual and multi- level approach to understanding emotion expression and cortisol reactivity among Chinese and US preschoolers. Developmental Science, 27(5), e13446. 

Ip, K. I.*, Heng, J. A., Lin, J., Shi, J., Wang, L., & Olson, S. (2024). Parents’ ethnotheories of the nature and causes of children’s misbehaviors: A comparison of mothers across two cultures. International Journal of Behavioral Development48(5), 385-397. 

Qin, X., Wu, Z., Zhang, T., Li, Y., Luan, J., Wang, B., Wang, L., & Cui, J.* (2023). BERT-ERC: Fine-Tuning BERT Is Enough for Emotion Recognition in Conversation. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37 (11), 13492-13500.

Lan, Q., Li, H., Wang, L.*, & Chang, S.* (2022). Breastfeeding duration and vagal regulation of infants and mothers. Early Human Development, 171, 105620.

Wen, J., Yang, B., Li, X.*, Cui, J.*, & Wang, L.*(2022). Automated assessment of grating acuity in infants and toddlers using an eye-tracking system. Journal of Vision, 22(12) 8, 1–9.

Yang, Y.*, Wang, L. and Wang, Q. (2021), Take Your Word or Tone for It? European American and Chinese Children’s Attention to Emotional Cues in Speech. Child Development, 92, 844-852.

Chen, X.*, Fu, R., Li, D., Chen, H., Wang, Z. and Wang, L. (2021), Behavioral Inhibition in Early Childhood and Adjustment in Late Adolescence in China. Child Development, 92, 994-1010.

Ip, K.*, Felt, B., Wang, L., Karasawa, M., Hirabayashi, H., Kazama, M., Olson, S., Miller, A., & Tardif, T.* (2021). Are Preschoolers’ Neurobiological Stress Systems Responsive to Culturally Relevant Contexts? Psychological Science, 32(7), 998-1010.

Ip, K.*, Miller, A.L., Karasawa, M., Hirabayashi, H., Wang, L., Olson, S.L., Kessler, D., & Tardif, T.* (2021). Emotion expression and regulation in three cultures: Chinese, Japanese, and U.S. preschoolers’ responses to disappointment. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 201, 104972.

Fu, R., Lee, J., Chen, X.* and Wang, L.* (2020), Academic Self-Perceptions and Academic Achievement in Chinese Children: A Multiwave Longitudinal Study. Child Development, 91(5),1718-1732.

Wu, Q.*, Feng, X., Gerhardt, M., & Wang, L. (2020). Maternal depressive symptoms, rumination and child emotion regulation. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 29, 1125–1134.

Chen X.*, Fu R., Liu J.*, Wang L., Zarbatany L., & Ellis W. (2018).Social Sensitivity and Social, School, and Psychological Adjustment Among Children Across Contexts. Developmental Psychology, 54(6), 1124–1134.

Doan, S., Tardif, T., Miller, A., Olson, S., Kessler, D., Felt, B. & Wang, L. (2017), Consequences of ‘tiger’ parenting: a cross-cultural study of maternal psychological control and children's cortisol stress response. Developmental Science, 20,e12404.

Duan, D., Huang,Y., Cui, J.*, Wang, L., Wang, X., & Zha, H. (2017). Computer vision analysis for children’s social play classification in peer-play scenarios.Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments,9,225–238.

Fu, R., Chen, X., Wang, L., & Yang, F. (2016). Developmental trajectories of academic achievement in Chinese children: Contributions of early social-behavioral functioning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 108(7), 1001–1012.

Yang, F., Chen, X.*,& Wang, L. * (2015). Shyness-Sensitivity and Social, School, and Psychological Adjustment in Urban Chinese Children: A four-wave longitudinal study. Child Development. 86(6), 1848–1864.

Grabell, A.S., Olson, S.L., Miller, A.L., Kessler, D.A., Felt, B., Kaciroti, N., Wang, L. and Tardif, T. (2015), The impact of culture on physiological processes of emotion regulation: a comparison of US and Chinese preschoolers. Developmental Science, 18(3), 420-435.

Zhao S , Chen X , Wang L. (2015). Maternal parenting and social, school, and psychological adjustment of migrant children in urban China. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 39(6), 541-551. .

Chen, X.*, Chen,  H., Li, D., Wang, L., Wang, Z. (2015).  Early Childhood  Reticent  and  Solitary-Passive  Behaviors  and  Adjustment  Outcomes  in  Chinese  Children. Journal of Abnormal Child Development. 43: 1467–1473.

Chen, X.,* Wang, L.*, Li, D., & Liu, J. (2014)Loneliness in Chinese Children across Contexts. Developmental Psychology. 50,(10,) 2324–2333.

Yang, F.*, Chen, X.*, & Wang, L. (2014). Relations Between Aggression and Adjustment in Chinese Children: Moderating Effects of Academic Achievement. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 43(4), 656–669.

Chen, X.*, Wang, L.*, & Cao, R. (2011). Shyness-Sensitivity and Unsociability in Rural Chinese Children: Relations With Social, School, and Psychological Adjustment. Child Development,82:1531-1543

Chang, S., Wang, L., Wang, Y., Brouwer, I., Kok, F., Lozoff, B., & Chen, C.*(2011). Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Infancy and Social Emotional Development in Preschool-Aged Chinese Children. Pediatrics,127:e927-933

Olson, S.*, Tardif, T, Miller, A., Felt, B., Grabell, A., Kessler, D., Wang, L., Mayumi Karasawa, M. & Hirabayashi, H. (2011). Inhibitory Control and Harsh Discipline as Predictors of Externalizing Problems in Young Children: A Comparative Study of U.S., Chinese, and Japanese Preschoolers. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39:1163-1175

Chen, X., Wang, L., & Wang, Z. (2009). Shyness-sensitivity and social, school, and psychological adjustment in rural migrant and urban children in China. Child Development, 80, 1499-1513.

Chen, X., Chen, H., Li, D., & Wang, L. (2009). Early childhood behavioral inhibition and social and school adjustment in Chinese children: A five-year longitudinal study. Child Development, 80, 1692-1704.

Liu, M., Chen, X., Zheng, S., Chen, H., & Wang, L. (2009). Maternal autonomy- and connectedness-oriented parenting behaviors as predictors of children’s social behaviors in China. Social Development, 18, 671-689.

Wang, L. , Chen, X., Chen, H., Cui, L., & Li, M. (2006). Affect and maternal parenting as predictors of adaptive and maladaptive behaviors in Chinese children. International Journal of Behavioral Development , 30, 158-166.

Chen, X., Desouza, A., Chen, H., & Wang, L. (2006). Reticent behavior and experiences in peer interactions in Chinese and Canadian children. Developmental Psychology. 42, 656-665.

Chen, X., Wang, L., & DeSouza, A. (2006). Temperament, socio-emotional functioning and peer relationships in Chinese and North American children. In X. Chen, D. French, & B. Schneider (Eds.), Peer relations in cultural context . (pp.123-147) Cambridge University Press.

Chen, X., Kaspar, V., Zhang, Y., Wang, L. , & Zheng, S. (2004). Peer relationships among Chinese and North American boys: A cross-cultural perspective. In N. Way & J. Chu (Eds.), Adolescent boys in context (pp. 197-218). New York : New York University Press.

Chen, X., Wang, L. , Chen, H., & Liu, M. (2002). Noncompliance and Childrearing Attitudes as Predictors of Aggressive Behavior: A Longitudinal Study in Chinese Children. International Journal of Behavioral Development , 26, 225-233.

Chen, X., Wu, H., Chen, H., Wang, L., & Cen, G. (2001). Parenting Practices and Aggressive Behavior in Chinese Children. Parenting: Science and practice , 1, 159-183.


尤媛,王莉* (2020).儿童行为抑制性与心理障碍关联的认知神经过程,心理科学进展,28:612-615.



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王莉 ,陈会昌,陈欣银 (2001). 儿童情绪调节策略与其问题行为. 发展心理与教育 . 17(2): 1-4.

王莉 ,陈会昌 (1998). 压力情境下 2 岁儿童情绪调节策略的特点及其相关因素. 心理学报 . 30 (3) : 289 ~ 297.